Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Countdown to the move - Day 47

This morning we woke up to steady rain. Unfortunate for Wednesday morning preschool drop off! By the time we got inside, the double stroller was pooling rainwater and Ellie's pant legs were soaked where they stuck out beneath the canopy.

We gave Robbie's teachers and the director of the preschool their Christmas gifts, kissed Robbie goodbye, and then the girls and I headed to my friend Kacey's house for a playdate. Big sister Fallon was loving on her little sister Savvy, and it was p.r.e.c.i.o.u.s.!

Little Brylee showed up and Maddie welcomed her to the infants-who-can-sit-up circle.

Cutest little crew ever? I see Senior Slideshow potential here with this one. They spend a good amount of time together as well in the church nursery on Sundays and on Wednesday mornings during Women's Bible Study.
L to R: Maddie, Brylee, Savvy.

The big sisters are adorable together too. They ran around in a little pack for most of the morning, talking on pretend cell phones and assembling wooden cupcakes for parties.

We picked Robbie up from preschool and headed home for lunch and naps. I had a sitter come for a few hours so that I could keep making headway on phone calls and errands for the move. I can't move quickly, think clearly, or even really have a conversation when I'm taking care of the kids. Then I cleaned the house and cooked dinner, making mental notes of all that I want to pack up first in the kitchen.


- For the father of one of Robbie's classmates who took pity on me and helped us get inside the church building this morning - the rain was pouring down on all 4 of us, and it wasn't easy pushing the double stroller, holding an umbrella, and coaxing Robbie up the walk while he held his own umbrella. The man offered to push the stroller for me so that I could get Robbie inside and hold our umbrella. It was such a kind gesture.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

oh my goodness!...that's the cutest, most fashionable play group i've ever seen! so cute!