Monday, February 18, 2008

Why I get ridiculed by my husband...

Rob is discovering the very big world of baby gear... and although many of the items we've received as gifts will be not only useful but necessary as we get ready to care for our new little one, I've taken some grief over a few things I registered for (and did receive).

Take, for instance, the wipes warmer:

Rob is convinced that this item will make our son 'soft'. I am convinced that it might just help the little guy wake up less during middle-of-the-night diaper changes, which means a few more minutes of sleep for me, possibly. And since I'll be responsible for all things middle-of-the-night, I won the fight over whether or not we'd keep the warmer. :)
This brings us to item #2 - the shampoo rinse cup, with a flexible side to rest on the baby's forehead. I think it's brilliant - who likes getting soap in their eyes? Rob thinks a tumbler or Solo cup would do just fine. I think the only reason I get to keep this is because a) it was gifted to us, and b) it costs under $5.
That's all for ridiculous-baby-gear-the-Livingstons-own, for now at least!

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