Friday, December 19, 2008

What does it mean when you say you have a 'bun in the oven'?

Guess who is going to be a big brother??

Rob, Robbie and I are excited to tell you that we are expecting baby #2 in early July!  We are just entering the second trimester and I'm feeling great (thanks to the occasional 2 hour nap with my little guy during the day!).  We are looking forward to Robbie becoming a big brother and know that he will handle the roll well.   

This picture was taken just after I told Rob the good news a few months ago!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations! So excited for you Ashley and glad to hear you're feeling well. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Michelle (Morrison) Smith

Jennifer said...

YEAH!!! Welcome little Baby Livingston #2! Robbie will be such a great Big Brother!!!

Jennifer said...

YEAH!!! Welcome little Baby Livingston #2! Robbie will be such a great Big Brother!!!

Jennifer said...

YEAH!!! Welcome little Baby Livingston #2! Robbie will be such a great Big Brother!!!

ZFam said...

Congrats!! Man, I haven't checked blogs in a long time--what fun news to read about!! So glad you're feeling great!