Saturday, May 14, 2011

On Parenting

My friend Becky posted this link on her blog and I enjoyed it so much I thought I'd repost it for you.

Here's to getting it right, whatever that means! :)


The Hervey Family said...

Ashley- it's late, Dan's asleep next to me & I am biting my lip and putting my face in my shirt to try & cover my laughter at this post. Thanks for sharing it... I needed that chuckle!

Springville Grow Campaign said...
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jody said...

Thank you for your sweet comment, Ashley. Means a lot.
Thank you for taking the time to send such kind encouragement.
And can I just say that that baby of yours is beyond precious. They all are. Beautiful.
Thanks, friend.

The Larsons said...

Was that not refreshing to read?! I loved his whit, humility and encouragement.

Love ya, mama!