Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mixed bag...

As my babies are having 'firsts' every day (first smile, first noggin crack, first time to remove one's own diaper and run nakey and free!...), I had a first of my own today.

I went to Women's Bible Study at my church!

So silly, right?  I've grown up in the church, going to youth group and small group and ministry trips of all kinds.  But since graduating from college, I have not been able to be in a regularly-meeting bible study at church.  First it was my job that prevented me from attending (retail does not lend itself to regular schedules).  Then it was the fact that Rob and I had not found our church home after getting married.  Once we finally settled in at Wheaton Bible Church, we got pregnant and have been chasing babies around ever since!

I am so thankful that Rob is willing to spend his Tuesday nights with the babies, after working a ridiculously long day, so that I can be a part of this bible study.  Already I feel so blessed and encouraged - I know my small group leader from another venue (is that the right term?) years ago, although I haven't seen her in a long time.  And the other women in the group have already been so welcoming.  Added bonus is that my good friend Heather is in the group with me!  I think it's going to be a wonderfully challenging 10 weeks that will hopefully lead me closer to Christ and find me identifying more with Him than before I started.  

Finding regular time on my own to study God's Word might be a little bit of a challenge.  Already tonight as I tried to start the first week's lesson, Robbie woke up out of his sleep (totally uncharacteristic).  Wow, the leader tonight that said that our attempts to spend time in God's Word would be under attack really knew what she was talking about!

So forgive me if the blogging takes a bit of a hit.  It's for a good cause. :)

For the sake of our family and close friends that live far from us, though, I will not stop altogether!  


Another reason to celebrate this day, September 8th...
The birth of Caleb Daniel Misomali!  
My dear friend Jen and her husband Ray welcomed their second child into the world this afternoon.  Do you remember that cute little guy, Tyler, who came to visit us with his mommy a month before Ellie's arrival?  He's the proud big brother.

Jen is my hero because she declines the (blessed) Epidural.  I don't know how she does it.


At the same time, we struggle with the sadness and heartache that life throws at us.  It is hard sometimes to rejoice with those who are rejoicing while at the same time weep with others who are struggling.  This is where we find ourselves right now.  We know that God is not surprised by the events that unfold in all of our lives, and we are crying out to Him for mercy and grace for many reasons, while we praise Him at the same time.  I am reminded of the promises God has made to us, and so thankful for them - He will never leave us; He will give us enough grace to make it through each day; He is near to the brokenhearted; He knows the number of hairs on our heads and loves us deeply and personally; He sent His only Son to die for us so that we could spend eternity with Him; He prepares a place for us in heaven if we confess Jesus as Lord; He hears every one of our prayers; it is in His complete power to heal; He weeps with us; one day He will wipe every tear away. 

None of this is wishful thinking.
It is true.  
See for yourself if you prefer not to take my word for it (which I would encourage you to do!)...

Deuteronomy 31:6, 8
Lamentations 3:22-23
Psalm 34:18
Luke 12:7
John 3:16
John 14:12
Proverbs 15:29
James 5:16
John 11:35
Revelation 21:4
Psalm 139

If you don't have a bible, you can look these verses up on Bible Gateway HERE.

1 comment:

the deKorne family said...

Wonderful about the bible study! I seriously don't know how I would have survived last year without my bible study and MOPS groups! I had food for 3 months and prayers for longer. :) Hope you enjoy!