Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Missing the best sister ever

Kelsey went back to Taylor at the end of August, and on the morning of her drive back to school she spent some time with the kids and I (and mom, too!) at the Arboretum. We had so much fun with her this summer, and she is such a help to me with the kids when she's around. Not only do I love her, but I have discovered that I really need her in a lot of ways too. And not just as a babysitter, but that is definitely a huge perk!

This guy loves his aunt just a little bit.

Insisting on riding between the kids' massive car seats, no doubt on a pile of goldfish crumbs and leaky sippy cups with magna doodles crowding her feet. She's a saint.

We didn't cry too hard when she left us in August because we knew she would be coming back soon. Last weekend Kels had an interview at a PA school in Downer's Grove, and we got to spend a rainy Saturday morning and afternoon with her. We played with the kids, watched the rain and listened for thunder, gave them baths, read the Pigeon books by Mo Willems over and over, ate lunch, and then ditched both kids in their cribs while they napped to go get pedicures. I also painted her nails 'Lincoln Park at Dark' and am so jealous that she can pull off dark purple/black nail polish.

One day I will emerge from my status as pathetic older sister and not ask her to wrap birthday presents for me, will actually mail Fall care packages to her instead of handing them to her when she comes home to visit, and will attempt to repay her kindness somehow by taking sweet care of her little ones one day.

We love you Kels! You are such an awesome sister and aunt. (See you again in a few weeks!?)


Kendra said...

What a sweet post! Sisters are the best. Those are really precious pictures!

Are you guys going down for Homecoming this year?

Kels said...

These pictures are such great memories of the summer! Ash, you are such a gracious sister in return, and I am so thankful that I get to spend some of these sweet days with you guys.

Dreaming of the days when I will secretly paint Ellie's nails with trendy nail polish colors too! (We may have to start with pink though... for Rob's sake ;) Love you much and can't wait until I get to see you again soon.

MP said...

you too look so much alike!! it is great to have a sister. Congratulations to your family..maybe ellie will get her own sister! :)