Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Everyday life

Miss Madeline has come up with some funny sleep positions. I caught this one on my phone through the monitor - the leg cross. Usually she has her lower body twisted to the left, with her right leg crossed over her left leg, while her head is turned to the right and her right arm is tucked up under her head. Babies are such pretzels!

Ellie's really into eating cereal with milk right now. She tried to finish off the milk at the bottom of her bowl by face planting and slurping. (The bowl was suctioned to the table and she couldn't get it up to drink it on her own.) Problem solved!

My Aunt Sherry came for a visit with my Grandmother Jessie, and her girls Courtney and Caroline came as well. I haven't seen them in quite a while, and I am always surprised by how old they are. They were SO helpful with my kids when we met up with them at Chick-fil-a. Ellie decided to start her nap in a nearby booth since I wouldn't take her home. Caroline is overseeing the process.

Meanwhile, Courtney entertained Robbie by escorting him to the children's play area and playing hide and seek at the table behind table tents. Courtney is a senior in high school this year and looking at a few Chicago schools. I'm trying to bribe her to pick a college near us so that I can steal her away in her spare time for babysitting. :) It's so fun to see these girls!

Afternoon at the park. In the last 2 weeks this little guy grew up a ton. Can you see it in his face?

This is atypical. Both of my kids usually dissect sandwiches when I offer them for meals (even pbj's). That she is taking a bite the normal way and continued to eat the entire sandwich that way was notable! Such a big girl.

Same park, different day. With our buddy Eli (and his baby sister Hannah, just weeks old!).

A little video of Ellie finishing off her cereal milk.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

SO cute! Love the pictures and the video. Maddie is so cute! Love hearing Ellie and Robbie's little voices in the videos you're posting. So fun!