I really want to recover quickly, and walking a little bit each day is supposed to help the process. So we put the babies in our double stroller and paced the neighborhood for a little while this afternoon!
Clearly thrilled...
He who has taken a shower gets to be in the picture. :)
Robbie's adjustment to the new baby in the house has been interesting. He's struggling a little bit, which isn't surprising. This afternoon he grunted and pointed to me and the baby while I was nursing her, and then pointed to her swing and grunted again. Translation: 'Will you put that baby down already and play with ME?!' It was pretty funny. He loves to hover over her every time I change her diaper... it's very interesting to him for some reason! And overall he's been sweet to her, just a little confused about why mom and dad are splitting the attention he's used to having all to himself.
Ellie is doing well at home - our first night was great as far as she's concerned! (It was a bit painful for me - all of the in and out of bed for feedings really pulls at my incision.) She ate just about every 3 hours and slept the rest of the time in her bassinet without too much of a fuss. Her morning nap took place in her swing, which I'm realizing is her favorite place to snooze - I had to wake her up after 4 hours to get in a feeding! She's a great little girl and more precious by the day. We are so thankful for her.
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