Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Change in plans...

Thanks to all of you who have already asked me how my doctor's appointment went today!  The ultrasound showed our baby girl right on track with her growth and health... floating around in plenty of amniotic fluid... but still in the breech position.  

My exam with the doctor afterwards was sort of surprising to me though - I'm still at 1 cm, but he said at this point it was time to schedule my C-section because of her position.

"My C-section!?"

Ugh.  I was not thrilled with that news.  But in 17 days, on Friday morning June 26th, if our baby girl has not  turned into a head-down position, we will be delivering her via C-section.  The last thing they want to happen is for me to go into labor with her in the breech position, which can cause serious complications.  And we want what is best and safest for our little girl.

There are pros and cons to it all playing out this way, but I'm trying to focus on the positive side (my 3 day stay at hotel-de-CDH just turned into a 4 day getaway!).  I am realizing that labor and delivery is a bit more palatable if you aren't sure when it's going to begin or how it's all going to happen.  But that's ok.  It is obvious that the Lord has had many things He wanted to teach me through this pregnancy, and isn't done with me yet.  

So, 17 days left... to whittle my to-do list down... to nervously consume gobs of sour candy... to enjoy my little boy while he is still an only child... to re-read all of my books about infancy just in case I've forgotten EVERYTHING already!


the deKorne family said...

Oh I'm so excited for you! And your to do list will always be there...just cherish the time with Robbie. I sometimes still feel sad that they were "only"s for so short a time. Praying for you!!

Unknown said...

WOW!! That is so close... praying for you Ashley!

the howards said...

ashley...found you...not sure how I came across your blog..but SO cute. And we will be praying praying praying for that little girl's arrival. Hang in there. And also praying for little robbie's adjustment. (= hope you don't mind me reading. (=


tim and kristi said...

ashley, thinking of you as you get closer. i would imagine the change would be hard to swallow but i trust the Lord will overwhelm you with His peace as you anticipate the welcoming of your baby girl. kristi

Jennifer said...

Ashley, I'm praying for you and Miss June/July -- you know she's just hanging out in there trying to decide which would be the better birth month (after all, she'll be stuck with it for the rest of her life)!!! You've still got 16 days to go so I'm praying she'll have a change of heart. I imagine she's just so comfortable in there -- see, you're already the best mom she could have! Either way things progress, please know you're in my thoughts and prayers -- wish we could be there. Love ya!