Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday's Narrative

Madeline's umbilical cord fell off this afternoon! Her first milestone. Fun fact: Of all 3 kids, hers is the only cord Rob cut after delivery. Robbie is really excited that she now has a belly button. And I did a load of laundry full of maternity clothes that will be packed up for a while. Both of these events made me a little teary over the passage of time (that is such a mom thing to say!). I am actually really mad at myself for not getting a good naked-with-a-diaper picture of Maddie before her cord fell off. Is that weird? But overall, another great day.

My favorite part was nursing Maddie in bed this morning while Robbie and Ellie sat next to me, watching an episode of Caillou while drinking their milk before we headed downstairs for the day. What mama doesn't like to have all her babies close together in her nest?

My sister spent the morning with us (and came bearing a Chai Latte for me), and then my mom came for the afternoon. It is so helpful to have the older two entertained by someone else so that I can keep up the house, nurse uninterrupted, etc.

I had forgotten how fun it is to get the mail after you have a baby. We received several very sweet and thoughtful gifts celebrating Maddie's arrival, and Robbie and Ellie were even remembered! Then a friend stopped by to drop off a gift for the kids and meet Maddie, and it all added up to just feeling very loved and cared for.

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